Scripture Reading - Matthew 8:6b-17

16b . . . He (Jesus) cast out the spirits with His Word, and healed all that were sick:
17 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses. KJV

Notice that according to verse 16 Jesus handled spirits with His Word. How Jesus handled them was by the clear command of casting them out. This means our Lord and Healer did not discuss with spirits the reasons why they were inside of someone. This is stated because sometimes people believe they need a psychologist to properly deal with mental problems. However, the Word of God can cure some mental afflictions just like medicine can cure some physical sicknesses. It is said, “The battle ground of bondage takes place in the mind”. This statement is true in the sense of doing “spiritual combat” by casting down every high thing that tries to negatively influence your thoughts against the Word of God.-Refer to 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 Know that both faith and patience are necessary to secure the positive results. Since Jesus cast out the spirits with His Word we must remove any form of oppression upon us the same way. We must do two things consistently to be totally set free. The first thing we must do is reject (resist, cast out, throw down) in the Name of Jesus the evil thoughts or evil beings that speak against us. This sounds easy and it can be if you abide in Christ Jesus knowing that speaking the Name of Jesus works the very first time when given in faith and assurance (void of fear). It is not necessary to keeping rebuking the same symptom coming against your being. One key is rebuking the right way first by using the Name of Jesus believing with all of your heart it was removed (cast out, thrown down, etc…) from your life. Then you are ready to do the next step which is boldly exercising your confession of faith in patience with thanksgiving that it was done. This requires consistent repetition of replacement of the evil thoughts (and words spoken) with the good word of God (both spoken and thought on). We must say and believe that the problem was removed and we are completely healed. Verse 16 tells us the ways of the Master Deliverer Jesus Christ by revealing how He does it. After that, verse 17 reveals to us why we should receive this deliverance Jesus already provided. Notice that Jesus personally took your infirmities (weakness) and bare (suffer as with pain, carried, wore) your sickness as your substitute. Therefore believe you were healed first, then speak of your healing openly and be healed completely (spirit, soul and body) because of the work of Jesus. Amen!